Alice Eleanor Matthews

Feb 6, 20232 min

Feeling stoopid

Studying physics or any other subject at degree level or GCSE's/A Levels is hard and there are times you’re going to feel super uncomfortable, get frustrated and maybe even feel stupid at times.

I saw a quote the other day on YouTube - @leilanhormozi said the amount of success you feel is directly proportional to your ‘frustration threshold’, meaning, how much frustration you are able to tolerate. She said people who have more success in life, tend to have a higher tolerance to frustration. So when they feel stupid they tolerate it, work through it.

They have trained them selves to be able to deal with this level of frustration and its not something that is easy. It takes time, practise and a lot of patience. The number of times I've sat in front of my computer screen and cried becuase the coding assignment made me feel SO dumb. But in the end I got there, it worked with no errors, and it took a lot of uncomfortable and 'dumb' moments to get there.

No one has the ability to never feel stupid, everyone feels it. It’s just a matter of having confidence in yourself that this will pass and you will get through it and knowing that it’s TOTALLY normal to feel that way. You’re never alone!!

If you find yourself getting frustrated with a work problem or topic and your team mates are perhaps seemingly finding it easier or aren’t getting as frustrated as you, this is NOT because you are stupid and they are smart. They have maybe seen the problem before or have already been frustrated at something similar, and have learned the tools to handle this frustration. By sticking with these tough problems ad working through them, with time we can all develop the same tools. You’re not stupid, you’re learning ❤️❤️❤️


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